
It is better to practice a little than talk a lot.

Actions speak louder than words.

Some people spend their lifetime talking about what they are going to do and how they’re going to do it but when push comes to shove they never execute. Wasting time and efforts to repeat yourself about future endeavors that are probably never going to take place is not going to get you anywhere.

It is important to go for what you envision and do everything possible to reach those objectives.

Work hard. Play hard. Talk less.

It is a poor idea to lie to yourself.

It honestly is a poor idea to lie to yourself.

People do this all the time and the scariest part is when they start believing their own lies. You know the type I’m talking about the serial liars. It’s sad really.

Lying to yourself is never a good idea no matter what. But how does one actually go about lying to yourself? Don’t you know everything about yourself and what you do? Or does the lie become so powerful that it takes over the part of your memory that knows it’s a lie? And if that is true is there something you should avoid to stop the lie from growing?

You’re lying to yourself (and you don’t even know it!): a 12 step program that releases the truth within you. How do you go from telling a lie to believing it? Fascinating, really.

Being the dedicated that I am I went online and found this great article about lying to yourself:

After reading that article I realised: I just lied to myself a minute ago! Need to eat less take-aways (yeah right).